WP Google Maps – API Key Required

The purpose of this video is to inform everyone of an important update to our plugin. A recent announcement has been made by Google Geo Developers whereby Google Maps no longer supports keyless access to their API and all API calls must now contain an API key.

So what does this mean for you? All new and existing users of WP Google Maps will now have to register on the Google API console in order to get a Google Maps Javascript API key. In the past, Google Maps allowed you to display a map without an API key but unfortunately from now on this will not be possible.

There are no costs involved with creating an API key however, as it has been in the past, you will be limited to 25 000 map requests per day. For 99.99% of you, this shouldn’t be an issue at all.

In order to create an API key, simply click on the link below this video and follow these steps.

WP Google Maps (2016, June 24). WP Google maps – API key required Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH98za14LNg